Timeline of wasteof.money

From wasteof.money wiki
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This is a timeline of wasteof.money.

History of the website

This section is incomplete.

Creation of is.wasteof.money

Around May 2020, Jeffalo registered the domain wasteof.money, which redirects to a rickroll as a test that the domain is working.[1]

On May 26, 2020, Jeffalo created is.wasteof.money, a website to tell you if something is a waste of money. It is shared publicly on Scratch.[2]

Creation of wasteof.money

On July 11, 2020, Jeffalo planned to turn the rickroll test into a real site.[3]

On November 16, 2020, Jeffalo released wasteof1, which was available in dev.wasteof.money. It is made public on November 30.

Lifetime of wasteof.money

Around February 2021, Jeffalo began working on wasteof2.[4]

On June 12, 2021, Jeffalo replaced wasteof1 with wasteof2.

On September 12, 2021, the chat feature is implemented.

On June 12, 2022, Jeffalo announced wasteof3 in his wasteof2 1st anniversary post.[5]

On May 23, 2022, wasteof3 is made public (login still requires access).[6]

On December 19, 2022, Jeffalo announced the creation of wasteof4 as a replacement for wasteof3.[7]

History of the community

This section is incomplete.

Pre-wasteof2 (wasteof1)

Not much is known or has been revealed on the history of wasteof1. All that we know is that the database was wiped often.[8]

wasteof2 era

On 23 July 2024, the 2024 ELECTION was started as a joke.[9][main article needed]


  1. Jefallo. (11/07/2020). "When I set it up, to ensure everything was working I quickly set it up to redirect to a very good song at first I thought this was funny and rickrolled a few people using the link." https://jeffalo.net/posts/domain-dilemma/
  2. https://ocular.jeffalo.net/topic/407922
  3. Jefallo. (11/07/2020). "But the plan was not to have a rickroll there! It was just a test and now I feel like if I make a real site I'll break some rickrolls..." https://jeffalo.net/posts/domain-dilemma/
  4. Jefallo. (14/02/2023). "its the date that @jeffalo was made in my test db. so more or less yeah" https://wasteof.money/posts/63e92bc81b61008abf738d52#comments-63eaa49cfd891a0d4bd59931
  5. Jefallo. (12/06/2022). "the next version of wasteof.money will be wasteof3, which shares a database schema to wasteof2 (no data will be lost), and is currently accessible at beta.wasteof.money." https://wasteof.money/posts/62a607090cdad6f85160e4d6
  6. @non-biased-news . (23/05/2022). "The wasteof3 beta is now public!" https://wasteof.money/posts/628aa0179aa33851f5eb59b5
  7. Jefallo. (19/12/2022). "so i might potentially skip wasteof3 and go to wasteof4, which will be written nicely from the start." https://wasteof.money/posts/63a033068146580741c0ea56
  8. wasteof.money (legacy)
  9. @election . (23-07-2024). "2024 ELECTION". [1]