Talk:Main Page

From wiki

Wiki rules?

We should probably create a list of Wiki rules or something similar? Is there a MediaWiki page for that? --Jeffalo (talk) 09:37, 9 August 2022 (UTC)

no, but how about WOW:Rules? - TheAwesome98 (talk | contribs) 21:05, 16 August 2022

wasteof or

When I want to refer to the website "", should I use "wasteof" or ""? --Gilbert189 (talk) 02:30, 7 January 2023 (UTC)

I'd use "", "wasteof" is listed as a common shortened version on but I think it's better for more formal documentation to use the "formal" name. TurtleCode84 (talk) 02:13, 15 January 2023 (UTC)
Right. wasteof is more of a codename (eg. wasteof2, wasteof3, wasteof4), but the social media website people use is called For the wiki, I think should be used everywhere, while wasteof should be reserved for casual discussion. --Jeffalo (talk) 09:20, 15 January 2023 (UTC)
Sounds good! TurtleCode84 (talk) 22:55, 15 January 2023 (UTC)