Explore page

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The Explore page is a feature on wasteof.money. It is a main part of the site which includes the search bar, a list of top users, and a list of top posts.

Search Bar

The search bar is a feature on the explore page that allows users to search for specific posts. It is currently only available in wasteof2.

Top Users

The top users on wasteof2's explore page, as of January 2023.
The full list of top users on wasteof3's explore page.

The Top Users section is a feature on the explore page that shows the most followed users on the site.

On wasteof3, the section is expandable to show 30 users instead of just 15.

Top Posts

The Top Posts section is a feature on the explore page that shows the most loved posts on the site.

It is sortable by daily, weekly, monthly posts, and the most loved posts of all time.