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Revision as of 16:24, 8 August 2022 by ScolderCreations (talk | contribs) (:troll:)
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Long ago, the lands were untamed, and roamed by legendary adventurers!

By all appearances, peace has flourished, and carefree new pastimes have taken hold.

A card game called Joustus has swept the land, and with it, word of a grand tournament.

Presiding over the contest are three Joustus Judges. These wise kings have been chosen to spread joy and unity.

This contest is of great interest to King Knight. For though some call him a fool who merely plays at king, even fools know this:

Whoever defeats all three Joustus Judges will win an incredible treasure, and be crowned King of Cards!

Competing for the Joustus Crown is no simple matter, but King Knight schemes, undeterred, toward a kingdom of his own.